Tuesday, February 12, 2013

My Words, Hush Puppies, Toofers, and Valentines

There's a lot going on around here, as usual.  This week is a training week for me at work, and in addition to that, Valentine's Day, Brad's birthday, and Aunt Jess' bridal shower are all occurring at the end of the week.  The kids have Valentine's Day parties (and therefore need valentines!), and I'm also trying to implement some organizational/life-simplifying strategies I'm learning of while reading The Happiness Project by Gretchen Rubin.

I never got around to my Words for 2013 post, but I've sort of decided that they are going to be:


Organize - I appear to be organized, but really I have piles of various importance hidden throughout my house and to-do lists in every imaginable place.  Some of the items on said lists have been there for years.  No lie.  It's time to hunker down and get stuff done.  Last night, I finally labeled hanging folders (infant through senior year of high school) for Jack and Hannah's organizational file boxes (which we purchased before Christmas!).  I even put a few piles of their school paperwork into the appropriate folders.  This made me smile for hours and feel as though a huge weight had been lifted off of my shoulders.  Now I just need to figure out where to place these boxes so that I can easily access them on a daily basis...

Simplify - I'm getting rid of extra crap.  As soon as I see it.  I'm not writing it down on a to-do list to do this summer.  I'm saying no to things I know I can't handle.  I'm trying not to create extra routines that are unnecessary.  I'm having my groceries delivered (seriously folks?  this has been life-changing!).

Enjoy - Sometimes I get so stressed out and overwhelmed by the never-ending to-do list I create for myself that I forget to enjoy the process of things.  I'm trying to slow down and enjoy more.  I think I do a pretty good job of this when it comes to the kids, but I could do better.  And I could also allow myself to just relax and do nothing once in awhile without feeling guilty about it and then stressing about what could have gotten done...  It's a vicious cycle.  And this year?  It stops.  At least a little.

Anyway - those are my words, and I'm reading The Happiness Project for inspiration.  You should too!


Check out this adorable video I took of Hannah last month:


This year, I wanted to do something a little special for the kids' valentines to their friends.  The paper valentines are cute, but I've done that since Jack was in the toddler room and it gets a little boring.  Not to mention that there are the cutest ideas on Pinterest, and some of them looked rather manageable:)

Here's what we've decided for Jack:

and Hannah:

I can't wait to show you how our versions turn out!

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